Sunday, April 4, 2010

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Coconut Cookie

I woke up to wonderful weather and an amazing email from one of my best friends whom I had not seen or talked to in awhile. Getting an update from her and seeing that she was doing well made me so happy that I decided to bake (using the spatula that she had given me, of course). As I was doing so, I realized there must be something wrong with me in that I bake when I am happy and I bake when I am not. Is that normal?! I wonder if there are others like you out there.

What's great about these cookies is that as I let the batter sit, I even had the chance to go do sprint exercises outside in the sun. What a perfect combo or maybe it just makes me even more crazy. Better yet, it was a delicious post workout treat to eat back more than what I had just burnt least the oatmeal is heart healthy (or so that's what I told myself). You could barely taste the coconut but it did add some great texture and a hint of "new flavor."

Here's to happiness, friendship, and great eats! Now if only she were here to eat these with me!

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