Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bread Maker

Recently, while eating cereal, we realized what a weird breakfast cereal really is. I usually love breakfast, but I could just as easily skip a bowl of cereal. I really didn't grow up on it, milk in the morning isn't something I crave, and the whole thing just feels rushed and done out of necessity. While we bashed the bowl of cereal in front of us (excuse us cereal, we didn't mean to), we talked about the amazing fresh bread and fresh confitures that you can find in Europe, and the soymilk, buns, and crepes in a Chinese breakfast that I normally dream about.

Then while looking through my cookbook, Julia Child taught me how important good bread is and that making bread is actually an art form. Since we had some lonely nutella and fresh international apricot jam, we were in need of some good bread to go along with it. And that I guess is how it all started. Thus began our breakfast revolution, or at least my desire for one.

Weeks later, while shopping at a discount store, I found a bread pan on sale for $4.99! It was the only one left, and it felt like fate was telling me my bread making career was about to start. It started and it hasn't stopped since. Here's a hearty one that has replaced my cereal over the last few days.

Bread #1

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