Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I photograph headshots and I cut hair...What?

The first one probably comes from when I used to work in a photography studio. I don't own fancy equipment and I would never advertise it, but I do know how to use natural lighting, and how to pose you so you look smart, serious, skinny, muscular, all with high cheekbones, a smaller nose, less wrinkles, and whatever else your idea of the "best" is. We just keep going until we get it. I never charged anything and you don't need a fancy appointment at a far-away studio, but with some back and forth, and some cropping, I have provided many friends with their headshots for various applications, work related needs, and passports/visas. Oh, and I also do multiple outfits. I even took my own once (two outfits if you must know), and I still have it today. It's funny when you think about it. How random, you must say. I'd post a few examples, but I don't know if my friends would appreciate it.

The second one came from...I don't know where. Maybe it's because my dad cut my brother's and mother's hair, and my mother and I cut my dad's hair, and both my parents used to cut my hair. To be honest, my parents are quite good, and I'd much rather schedule a time with them in the garage than with a professional.

My credentials with hair?, you ask.
-Childhood memories: I remember loving it when my mom would braid my hair, and I vividly remember when I first learned how to put my own hair into a ponytail. It was a big deal (one of the earlier childhood memories).
-A little more grown up: Holidays with kids meant each girl ended up with a braid. In high school, I used to take appointments from my friends to style their hair before dances. After all of the girls, I then did my own right before we headed out for the big night. I even made hair accessories if I remembered correctly--they always matched the dress, of course. I cut many friends' hairs over the college years and did a few stylings as well. They became regulars. In fact, my first and ONLY barbie was a hairstyle barbie (shameful I know, but I figured it was important for setting the backdrop to this story, so there you have it blog world!). I still have the barbie today. Should I be blessed with the flexibility, I'd cut my own hair if I could. Saves on ca$h and hassle! All this barely stands a chance against training at the fancy studios and hours of hair play that your own hairdresser probably has, but I'm not trying to beat them.

Anyway, recently my friend said she needed a haircut, I joked I could do it, a few minutes of back and forth questioning and confirmation later, it was a done deal. I told her I'd have to blog about it as a joke, but here we are...good thing she didn't need headshots of her as well.

P.S. I even provide thearpy hairdresser banter should you need it, but she didn't. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wooo~! you ARE talented. You know you are going to be my regular hair-cutter now. What did you get yourself into!?
