Thursday, May 6, 2010

pommes de terre au gratin

Ever since I started the lesson on food items in my French studies, my menus have revolved mainly around things I can say. Now that I think about it, I wonder if it's because this gives me the opportunity to proclaim what's for dinner in my mediocre French and to feel proud about it? Sad, I know.
Also known as gratin dauphinois (named after a specific region in France where this dish is popular), this potato dish is in essence a delicious mixture of cream and good cheese layered in between sliced potatoes. I mixed this recipe with that of the traditional recipe for "La tartiflette" which adds in pancetta, onions, and requires a very specific Reblochon Cheese. Since Boston doesn't seem to carry that type of cheese, I had to settle for beaufort and brie along with my non-French, Idaho potatoes. The cheese is just set on top and the key is to bake it until the cheese melts down and through, bubbles, and finally forms a crust on top. The photos don't do it justice but everything just melts in your mouth. The meal is so hearty that it is normally served with just bread, a light salad, and topped with good dry wine.
Oh, and where did I get this recipe?
From a French lesson on "Le supermarche" (the supermarket)

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