Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pain chocolat (Chocolate Croissants)

That's right...I finally made home-made croissants. It's like that French secret recipe that everyone avoids, and how can you blame us? Just the idea that you can turn a piece of dough into a flaky multi-layered pastry leaves us fearful of the complex instructions and in dread of all the possible ways we can screw it up. But once you do master it, oh the endless possibilities...
Read around in different books and websites and the consensus is: they are pain to make, but upon first bite you instantly forget about all the pain (interestingly, also kind of like what they say about childbirth too).
David and I have both been missing home, and so on the same day I decided to make a thousand dumplings and different side dishes for an upcoming dinner party (to be posted soon), I also thought that this would be an interesting endeavor to take on. Anyway, to be frank, the 8 step recipe cost me quite a few hours of sleep and even finally pushed me to get a bigger cutting board to roll the dough right in the middle of steps 6 and 7 because I just couldn't take it anymore.
The final result though was pretty much amazing...and these little babies with a latte brought back amazing memories of France. Come over quick and we can daydream about having brunch by the Seine after I offer you a chocolate croissant and a latte.

Although to be fair, these might not last until morning.

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