Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pain chocolat (Chocolate Croissants)

That's right...I finally made home-made croissants. It's like that French secret recipe that everyone avoids, and how can you blame us? Just the idea that you can turn a piece of dough into a flaky multi-layered pastry leaves us fearful of the complex instructions and in dread of all the possible ways we can screw it up. But once you do master it, oh the endless possibilities...
Read around in different books and websites and the consensus is: they are pain to make, but upon first bite you instantly forget about all the pain (interestingly, also kind of like what they say about childbirth too).
David and I have both been missing home, and so on the same day I decided to make a thousand dumplings and different side dishes for an upcoming dinner party (to be posted soon), I also thought that this would be an interesting endeavor to take on. Anyway, to be frank, the 8 step recipe cost me quite a few hours of sleep and even finally pushed me to get a bigger cutting board to roll the dough right in the middle of steps 6 and 7 because I just couldn't take it anymore.
The final result though was pretty much amazing...and these little babies with a latte brought back amazing memories of France. Come over quick and we can daydream about having brunch by the Seine after I offer you a chocolate croissant and a latte.

Although to be fair, these might not last until morning.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Apricot Tart

Apricots have quickly become one of my favorite fruits. I think it's elusiveness is what draws me to it. For some reason, I feel like I wait for most of the year for it to come into season and just as quickly as it appears, it disappears leaving empty bins with a pathetic mashed up apricot in the corner and a tear in my eye. I wonder if this is simply just another tragedy associated with living in Boston. That "hard to get" factor along with some delicious apricot confiture in the dead of winter increased my hunger for it even more. Thus the minute I got the chance, out came this apricot tart.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Flourless dairy-free chocolate cake

We recently got invited to a BBQ hosted by one of our dear friends who has both a gluten and dairy allergy. I thought it would still be nice to make a dessert that she could eat rather than leave her out for convenience sake. After skimming through hundreds of sources, I soon realized there was a lack of recipes catered to such allergies (let alone BOTH), but I was determined to make something rich and chocolaty (her favorite ingredient).
Thus with what seemed like hundreds of substitutions such as that of maple syrup and coconut cream for butter, this came out.

I was nervous until the first bite but it passed the test with flying colors! Phew!
Now I wonder if the increasing rates of allergies in the US means the real market lies in starting a gluten free dairy free bakery. Anyone interested in being a future partner for this non-existent bakery?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Marble Cake

Vanilla bean cake with fudge brownie topped with cream cheese frosting.
Everything, including crumbs, is gone.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Japanese Udon Noodle Soup

Light, healthy, but hearty
I thought it was perfect recipe to help combat an illness

Monday, May 10, 2010


What a funny name it really is...

When David is sick, he craves veggies and gatorade. Luckily, when he's sick, I crave feeding him veggies and buying him the biggest bottles of gatorade I can find.

What more perfect than a dish based exclusively on the freshest ingredients you can find?

This ratatouille marks the culmination of hours worth of cutting, cooking, and slow stewing, but the end result was amazing and the pot of leftovers made the investment worth it.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Fresh produce always seems to come earlier than in Boston

Tasty Asian treats
and some delicious Yogurtland after a long day.
but really, the best part is being with family.

Tomato, Spinach, and Sausage Risotto

Mushroom Risotto

Yeah, I like risotto...and when you have 5 different kind of mushrooms, it's amazing even if it doesn't make for great photos. Just take my word and the empty 20qt pot as proof. It was a LOT of risotto.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

pommes de terre au gratin

Ever since I started the lesson on food items in my French studies, my menus have revolved mainly around things I can say. Now that I think about it, I wonder if it's because this gives me the opportunity to proclaim what's for dinner in my mediocre French and to feel proud about it? Sad, I know.
Also known as gratin dauphinois (named after a specific region in France where this dish is popular), this potato dish is in essence a delicious mixture of cream and good cheese layered in between sliced potatoes. I mixed this recipe with that of the traditional recipe for "La tartiflette" which adds in pancetta, onions, and requires a very specific Reblochon Cheese. Since Boston doesn't seem to carry that type of cheese, I had to settle for beaufort and brie along with my non-French, Idaho potatoes. The cheese is just set on top and the key is to bake it until the cheese melts down and through, bubbles, and finally forms a crust on top. The photos don't do it justice but everything just melts in your mouth. The meal is so hearty that it is normally served with just bread, a light salad, and topped with good dry wine.
Oh, and where did I get this recipe?
From a French lesson on "Le supermarche" (the supermarket)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Girls' Night

My amazing friends threw me an amazing birthday party.
The theme was "Sex in the City" and everything was full of sass and class.

Before the guests arrived, all the girls met for a pow-wow and enjoyed a "Decorate your own martini glass" session with the help of glitter, feathers, and crystals. The end results were pretty fashionable and every glass had an unique flair. Tres chic, no?
Following the theme, there was an amazing cake with a mini martini glass and champagne made by Teresa.
great decor (heels everywhere)

wonderful delicious food
drink fountains

and even glow sticks!

I felt so spoiled.

Thank you to all of my friends (especially Cammi) for spoiling me and for making me feel so special.
I had a great time and memorable time!!!