Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Stir Fry Udon

The amazing brisket left me with amazing brisket sauce! What a winner! I reduced the sauce and did a stir fry udon noodle dish with spinach, enoki mushrooms, and chicken. If I had it, I would have added some tofu but D already thought I had gone overboard at the Korean grocery store, so something had to go. To be fair, I didn’t go overboard as much as I was just taking advantage of the GREAT deals. *wink wink. The produce is just SO cheap at this store that the WHOLE MEAL (plus enough for leftovers for two) cost less than $6! (Udon:$2.99; Mushroom:$0.79; Spinach:$0.69; chicken:~$1.00; sauce:Priceless). Great way to keep up the New Year's Resolution!

Everything took roughly 15 minutes. The slow part was actually reducing the sauce itself! Can you even imagine what I could have done if I had corn starch around? I mean what would I ever do with such time…oh wait, I can think of a few things.

Listen to me my friend, go make a brisket and let the string of amazingness guide you to this stir fry. Tasting this will make you want to repeat this process all over again.

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