Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ultrathin Pancakes

I'd like to think the Chinese restaurants here have it wrong. Traditionally Peking duck is never served with a bun but rather wrapped in ultra thin pancakes. The problem is that they are a pain to make so somewhere along the way, tradition took a back seat to laziness.
These are the same pancakes that are also served with Mushu and other "chinese burritos". To make them, you roll out two pieces of dough at the same time separated by a thin layer of oil. After baking them, and while it's still hot, you have to master the art of separating them apart.

When done correctly, they can be so thin as to still let light through; however, thickness is up to the chef and the dish. Sometimes for a little extra kick, I add in a few scallions and five spice sauce and it's good to go. My fingertips however, always need a little time to recover. But trust me, it's worth it.

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